Showing posts with label meditation and yoga. Show all posts
Showing posts with label meditation and yoga. Show all posts

Feb 15, 2013

Difference Between Meditation and Yoga

  1. Meditation describes a variety of practices with a variety of goals.
  2. Meditation is basically done to improve the concentration power.
  3. It is a spiritual practices which emphasize mental activity.
  4. Meditation can be used for personal development, or to focus the mind on God.
  1. Yoga, originated in India.
  2. It started from six schools of Hindu philosophy with Samkhya and referred together as the Samkhya-Yoga school.
  3. Now Yoga is a vibrant living tradition and means to both physical health and spiritual mastery.
  4. The four main paths of Yoga are:-
    • Karma Yoga (yoga of Action).
    • Jnana Yoga (yoga of Knowledge).
    • Bhakti Yoga (yoga of Devotion).
    • Raja Yoga (yoga of Meditation).
Outside India, Yoga is associated with the practice of asanas (postures).
Conclusion:-Meditation is a way to achieve peace, while physical yoga's in order to become healthier.