
Diet may be defined as the sum of the food consumed by an organism or group.Healthy diet requires ingestion and absorption of fiber, vitamins, minerals, and food energy in the form of carbohydrates, proteins, vegetable oils, and fats.The word diet actually means consumption of nutrition for health.

Diet can be broadly classified into two categories:
  • Vegetarian Diet
  • Non-Vegetarian Diet
Vegetarian Diet

The diet in which meat,poultry, seafood and the flesh of any other animal is prohibited is known as vegetarian diet.

Non-Vegetarian Diet

The diet in which there is no prohibition to eat meat,poultry,seafood and the flesh of any other animal.

Constituents of food

  • Fiber Food
    1. Beans:1/2 cup of beans having 9.7g fiber.
    2. Brown Rice:0.3g fibers per 16g Brown Rice.
    3. Nuts:1/2 cup of Nuts having 9.7g fiber.
    4. Popcorn:3cup of Popcorn having 3.5g of fiber.
    5. Whole Grain:2g Fiber per 16g of Whole Grain.
  • Vitamins Food
    1. Oranges(vitamin c).
    2. Carrots and Spinach(vitamin a).
    3. Milk and Meat(vitamin b).
    4. Milk and Sunlight(vitamin d).
    5. Almonds(vitamin e).
    6. Green vegetables(vitamin k).
  • Minerals Food
    1. Milk and Yogurt(calcium).
    2. Eggs and Peanuts(Choline).
    3. Meats(Chromium).
    4. Nuts and Whole grains(Copper).
    5. Iodized salt(Iodine).
    6. Cereals and Beans(Iron).
    7. Green leafy vegetables (Magnesium).
  • Energy Food
    1. Soybeans
    2. Oats
    3. Chocolate
    4. Eggs
    5. Bananas

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